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Setting Up Your Punch Clock
Ciaran avatar
Written by Ciaran
Updated over 8 months ago

To set up the Punch Clock app for your business you must have either account owner or administrator access.

Please Note

We recommend that you create a NEW Google or Apple Account to download the Punch Clock App to your tablet rather than using a personal Google or Apple Account.

We recommend that you do this as these devices will be used by other employees and may be positioned in public areas of your business.

Once you have downloaded the Punch Clock app to your tablet or iPad and you have activated your Time and Attendance service (click here to learn more), you'll need to register the device by logging in using your Gig Grafter login email and password.

Quick Tip

You can pin the app to screen, ensuring that employees don't have access to other apps and information stored on the tablet.

To find out how to pin the app to screen please click on your device below :

Step 1

Login using Your Gig Grafter Login Email and Password

(Owners and Administrators Only)

Step 2

Assign A Unique Name for Your Punch Clock Device

When you log in for the first time you will be asked to give your device a unique name e.g. if you are setting up a Punch Clock station for your Deli you may wish to name this device “Deli Punch Clock”.

A key benefit of using the Gig Grafter Punch Clock App is that you can download the app to more than one tablet. There are no additional charges for creating multiple clocking in stations throughout your business.

Having Punch Clock devices positioned strategically where staff enter, leave or start and end breaks can reduce the risk of employees forgetting to clock in and out when required, eliminating payroll errors and reducing the administration associated with correcting these errors.

Once you have completed the process your Punch Clock App will be activated and ready for employees to clock in.

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